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tamoadmin 2024-05-27
1.广州民航职业技术学院有哪些值得加入的社团2.英语短文翻译3.求初一下期英语全部短语GO for it4.英语**术语Book 1 第一册 (121个



3.求初一下期英语全部短语GO for it



Book 1 第一册 (121个)

1. a 一个 2. afternoon 下午 3. again 再,又 4. and和 5. are 是(用于第二人称和复数人称之后) 6. back 向后 7. ball 球 8. balloon 气球9. bear 熊 10. bed床 11. bird鸟 12. birthday 生日 13. black 黑色 14. blue 蓝色 15. book书 16. box盒子,箱子 17. boy 男孩 18. bye再见 19. can能 20. cap帽子 21. cat 猫 22. ceiling 天花板23. classroom教室 24. colour 颜色 25. come 来 26. count数数 27. crayon彩笔 28. dear亲爱的;贵的 29. desk课桌 30. dog狗 31. doll布娃娃 32. door门 33. down 向下 34. eight 八 35. eraser 橡皮 36. fine (身体,天气)好的 37. five 五 38. floor地板 39. for为了 40. four 四41. fox 狐狸 42. friend 朋友43. frog 青蛙 44. front 前面45. girl女孩 46. go 去47. good 好的 48. goodbye 再见 49. green 绿色 50. hand 手51. happy 高兴的,幸福的 52. hat 礼帽 53. head 头 54. hello 喂 55. help 帮助56. hi 嗨57. house 房屋 58. how怎么样 59. how many 多少60. how old几岁 61. I’m= I am 我是 62. in在...里面 63. is 是 64. it’s = it is 它是 65. kite 风筝 66. look 看 67. meet 见面 68. monster 妖怪 69. morning 早晨;上午70. Ms 女士 71. my 我的72. name 名字 73. nine 九 74. no 不 75. now 现在 76. on 在...上面77. one 一 78. open打开;营业 79. orange 桔子;橙色(的) 80. our 我们的(同音词hour)81. panda 熊猫 82. pen 钢笔 83. pencil 铅笔 84. pencil-box 铅笔盒85. pink 粉色(的) 86. pleased 高兴的87. point 指 88. purple 紫色(的) 89. rainbow 彩虹90. red 红色(的) 91. ruler 尺子 92. say 说 93. school bag书包 94. seat 座位 95. see 看见96. seven 七97. sing 唱98. sit 坐下 99. six 六 100. stand 站101. teacher老师 102. ten 十 103. thank 谢谢 104. that 那个 105. the这个/些 106. this这个 107. three三 108. to去;到;向 109. too太;也;110. two两个 111. under在...底下 112. up向上 113. welcome 欢迎114. what’s= what is 是什么115. where’s = where is 在哪里 116. white 白色(的) 117. window 窗子 118. yellow**(的) 119. yes是的 120. you你/你们 121. you’re= you are 你是/你们是

Book 2 第二册 (111个)

1. about 关于 2. animal 动物 3. at 在 4. baby 幼崽 5. bag 包 6. basketball 篮球 7. bear 熊 8. big 大的 9. bird 鸟 10. brother哥哥;弟弟 11. bus 公共汽车 12. buy 买 13. car 小汽车 14. mother妈妈 15. chicken 鸡16. child 孩子 children(复数 孩子们) 17. clown 小丑 18. coat 外套 19. cow奶牛 20. cute 可爱的 21. dance 跳舞22. doctor 医生 23. dress 连衣裙24. driver 司机 25. duck 鸭子 26. ear 耳朵 27. egg 鸡蛋 28. elephant 大象 29. eleven十一 30. eye 眼睛 (星期二)31. face 脸 32. farm 农场 33. fat 胖的 34. father 父亲 35. favourite 最喜爱的 36. football 足球37. friend 朋友

38.zoo 动物园39. giraffe 长颈鹿 40. go swimming 去游泳

41. grandma奶奶;外婆 42. grandpa 爷爷;外公 43. he’s= he is 他是 44. head 头 45. her 她的 46. here’s = here is 这是47. his 他的 48. hot 热的 49. how many 多少(问可数名词复数)50. ice cream 冰激凌51. jigsaw 拼图 52. knee 膝盖 53. know 知道54. leg 腿 55. let’s = let us 让我们 56 like 喜欢 57. lion 狮子 58. little 小的 59. long 长的 60. many 许多的 61. meat 肉 62. monkey 猴子 63. mouth 嘴巴 64. nice 美味的;美好的 65. noodles(复数)面条 66. nose 鼻子 67. nurse 护士 68. onion 洋葱 69. orange 橙色(的);桔子 70 other 其他的71. pig 猪 72. ping-pong 乒乓球73. pink 粉红色 75. play 玩;打;演奏 76. present礼物 77. pupil小学生 78. really 真正地79. rice米饭 80. scary 吓人的81. she’s = she is 她是 82. short 矮的;短的 83. shoulder 肩 84. sister 姐姐;妹妹 85. snake 蛇 86. so 如此;那么 87. some 一些 88. sorry对不起的 89. spice 香料 90. spider蜘蛛 91. sport 运动 92. sweets (复数)糖果93. swimming 游泳94. tall 高的 95. their 他(她/它)们的 96. these 这些 97. they’re = they are 他(她/它)们是 98. thin 瘦的 99. tiger 老虎 100. tired 累得 101. toe 脚趾 102. together 一起 103. touch 触摸 104. toy 玩具 105. tree 树 106. twelve 十二 107. very 很,非常 108. water 水 109. we 我们 110. with 用 111. zoo 动物园

Book 3 第三册(121个)

1. again 再次 2. all 全部的 3. all right 好吧 4. apple 苹果 5. Art 美术 6. at 在7. autumn 秋天 8. bat 球棒9. bike 自行车10. bite 咬11. by乘,坐(交通工具) 12. CD激光唱盘 13. China 中国 (china 磁器) 14. Chinese 中国的;中国人;汉语,语文 15. Christmas 圣诞节16. city 城市17. clean 干净的18. clothes 衣服 19. cold 冷的 20. come 来 21. come in 进来 22. cool 凉爽的23. dad 爸爸 24. dinner 正餐,主餐 25. drum 鼓 26.duck 鸭子27. dumpling饺子 28. eat 吃 29. elephant 大象 30. England 英国 31. English英语;英国的;英国人 32. film** 33.firecracker鞭炮 34. flute 长笛 35. fly 放(风筝)36. footballer 足球队员 37. frog青蛙 38. get up 起床39. glove 手套 40. go home 回家41. go to bed 上床睡觉 42. go to school 上学43. go to work 上班44. goal 进球,得分 45. great 太好了 46. hair 头发 47. half 半小时48. have breakfast 吃早餐 49. have lunch 吃午餐50. have 有51. how怎样;如何 52. hungry 饥饿的53. ice冰 54. jacket 夹克 55. jigsaw 拼图56. jug 水壶57. late 迟的58. listen 听 59. live 居住60. love 爱 61. Maths 数学62. monkey 猴子 63. mum 妈妈64. Music 音乐 65. New Year 新年 66. new 新的 67. now 现在 68. o’clock …点钟 69. OK好 70. on holiday 度假 71. park 公园72. party 聚会 73 past 晚于74. PE 体育课75. plane 飞机 76. play演奏 77. please 请 78. poster海报 79. prince 王子 80. queen女王 81. rain 雨;下雨82. read 读83. ride骑 84. run 跑 85. say 说 86. Science 科学87. ship船 88. shirt 衬衫89. shoe 鞋 90. sing 唱91. small 小的 92. song 歌曲93. spring 春天 94. subject 科目95. summer 夏天 96. sunglasses (复数)太阳镜 97. sweater 毛衫,毛衣98 teddy玩具熊 99. them他/她/它们(宾格) 100. then 然后 101. time 时间 102. too 太;也 103. toy 玩具 104. train火车 105. trousers (复数)裤子 106. T-shirt T恤(衫) 107. us 我们(宾格)108 vase 花瓶109. walk 步行110. want 想要111. warm 暖和的112. wash 洗113. watch TV 看电视114. way 路 115. we 我们 116. wear 穿 117. weekend 周末 118. winter冬天 119. with 和…一起 120. X-ray X射线 121. zebra 斑马

Book 4 第四册(118个)

1. again 再次 2. all 全部的 3. around 朝着相反方向(turn around) 4. cake 蛋糕 5. camera 照相机 6. card 卡片 7. catch 抓;捉;追人游戏 8. Children’s Day 儿童节9. clapping game 拍手游戏 10. class 班级 11. colour 颜色;涂色 12. come on 快,走吧 13. cook 烧菜;做菜;厨师 14. cousin 堂(表)兄(弟姐妹) 15. cross穿过16. do做 17. down 向下 18. dragon dance舞龙 19. draw画 20. drink喝,饮 21. East Lake Road 湖东路 22. everyone 每个人 23. excuse me对不起;打扰 24. factory工厂 25. finish 完成,用完 25. five-stones 五子游戏 26. flat公寓 27. flower 花28. fly 放(风筝)29. fun 乐趣30. game 游戏 31. go shopping去购物 32. go straight on 直着走33. ground地面 34. help帮助 35. her 她(宾格) 36. here 在这里 37. hide隐藏 38. hide-and-seek 捉迷藏39. hill 小山 40. him 他(宾格)41. homework 家庭作业42. hospital 医院43. hurry up 赶快44. ill 生病的45. in front of 在…的前面 46. it 它(宾格) 47. left向左 48. letter信;字母 49. lie躺;谎言 50. like (prep.介词)像;如同51. lose 浪费 52. lost 迷路的;丢失的53. lots of 许多 54. march 行军,行进 55. me 我(宾格)56. newspaper报纸 57. next to 在…旁边58. Nice to meet you. 很高兴见到你。 59. no one 没有人 60. nothing 没有什么 61. of course 当然62 over there在那边 63. pain疼;痛 64. past 经过65. photo 照片 66. picnic 野餐 67. picture画;图画 68. play (n.)剧69. playground 操场70 playtime 游戏时间 71. poem 诗 72. put on 穿上 73. race赛跑 74. radio 收音机 75. rain 下雨 76. right向右 77. room 房间 78. sad 伤心的 79. say说; 念;背诵80. School TV学校电视台 81. secret 秘密 82. see 看见 83. seek 寻找84. shake 摇动85. shoulder 肩 86. ski 滑雪87. skip 跳绳88. sky 天空 89. sleep 睡觉90. smile 微笑91. snow 雪;下雪92. sofa 沙发 93. some 一些94. stamp(v.)跺脚; (n.)邮票 95. start 开始96. station 车站 97. stop 停止 98. street 街道99. Sunday星期天 100. sunny阳光充足的 101. supermarket 超市102. take 拿;拿走 103. talk谈话 104. there在那里 105. thing 事情106. tidy 整理,收拾 107. today 今天108. toilet 厕所 109. touch接触,触摸 110. true 真实的111. turn 转动112. up 向上113. usually 通常 114. weather 天气 115. well好的;详细地;熟悉地 116. West Lake Road 湖西路 117. windy 有风的,多风的118. write 写

Book 5 第五册(123个)

1.add 添加 2.April 四月 3.August 八月 4.all together 总共 5.bread 面包 6.beach 海滩 7.by plane 乘飞机 8.biscuits 饼干 9. chess 国际象棋 10.Chinese 中国的 11.chopsticks 筷子 12.camels 骆驼 13.come on 快来 14.come third 得第三 15.cut up 切碎 16.Children’s Palace 少年宫 17.corn 玉米 18.cut 切 19.delicious 美味的 20.December 十二月 21.do taijiquan 打太极拳 22.drink 喝 23.do nothing 什么也不做 24.dark 黑暗 25.date 日期 26.every day 每一天 27.English 英语 28.exercises 练习 29.fast food 快餐 30.fork 叉子 31.fries /chips炸薯条 32.feed 喂 33.fast 快 34.February 二月 35.from 从 36.famous 有名的 37.finally 最后 38.forget 忘记 39.face 脸 40.flour 面粉 41.get down 从……下来 42.get out 走开 43.great 好极了 44.go to sleep 到睡觉的时间了 45.grandparents 祖父母 46.grass 草 47.hamburger 汉堡 48.high 高 49.Have a nice time! 祝你过得愉快! 50.Hong Kong 香港 51.hay 干草 52.Help! 救命啊! 53.horse 马 54.high jump 跳高 55.instead 代替 56.It’s bed time. 到睡觉的时间了。 57.It’s time for... 该……了 58.important 重要的 59.January 一月 60.July 七月 61.June 六月 62.knife 刀 63.love 喜欢 64.lake 湖 65.lots of 许多 66.lid 盖子 67.like 像……一样 68.luck 运气 69.long jump 跳远 70.light 灯 71.make 做 72.mess 乱的 73.milkshake 奶昔 74.metre 米 75.March 三月 76.May 五月 77.naughty 淘气的 78.next week 下星期 79.November 十一月 80.National Day 国庆节 81.OK 可以 82.October 十月 83.play 演奏 84.Please be quiet! 请安静! 85.pagoda 宝塔 86.put on 穿上 87.path 小路 88.party 聚会 89.room 房间 90.row 划 91.remember 记住 92.run away 走开 93.rest 休息 94.sandwiches 三明治 95.speak 说 96.Show me! 给我看! 97.shop 商店 98.sea 海 99.so 所以 100.swimsuit 游泳衣 101.scary 吓人的 102seal 海豹 103.strawberry 草莓 104.sport meet 运动会 105.September 九月 106.That’s a good idea! 好主意! 107.those 那些 108.the Ming Tombs 十三陵 109.tomb 墓 110.tower 塔 111.turn on 打开 112.train 训练 113.Teacher’s Day 教师节 114.thumb 拇指 115.use 用 116.understand 明白 117.visit 拜访 118.with 用 119.work 工作 120.winner 获胜者 121.watch TV 看电视 122.want 想要 123.water 浇水124.win 赢

Book 6 第六册(64个)



























































































三、志愿者协会:成立于2008年,经过多年的发展壮大,已成为学院最具规模和影响力的学生组织之一。每年举办“送清凉”、 “送温暖”、“爱心接力”等多个公益活动,贡献了很大的力量。






求初一下期英语全部短语GO for it

American education lies in the innovation of Chinese words: gives the human by the fish is present education. America teach students study very much

1 PROJECT for what

PROJECT is a PROJECT of the western education assessment is. (so small test score, composition, unit test, etc.), the best big PROJECT disputes, 70 percent of the task, and the FINAL exam 25%, but test failure. Sometimes equated but no one disputes, class PROJECT.

This ESSAY, with the PROJECT but speech, POWER, were speech, etc.) POSTER POSTER has. This is called the essence of education innovation PROJECT is doing. Because the real learning to live with the cow. Teacher, a unit of apportion N speech, let students learn about students, nothing happened. This actually, we can learn.

2 many extracurricular activities

American schools is really finished early, class teaching. Encourage participation in various extracurricular activities. Also can exercise their own organization, leadership. Go chess, badminton, table tennis, basketball, volleyball, philosophy, religion, social welfare organizations, etc, and too many things to see.

3 the outdoor sports venues are open

Encourage participation in sports activities, football, basketball, etc.

4 teaching students according to their aptitude, bonzi played all

The United States is the students themselves, has required courses, enter preference options.

Each lesson for different kinds of teaching methods, different also. For example, art imposed, historical writing practice sessions, French imposed, teach students practice session session.

Smart students have genius, difference have special class difference, not left behind.

Western education of honesty

Some words were said many, but due to too much important here to talk again heavy.

1. With childlike children also

American elementary education, is mainly interested. Many contents are drawing, sports, music, etc. I learn the art of comparative education for primary fun, not the important content in the form of a burden. Actually, a primary school outside of those things to put a little bit late, it is completely to give children too big to develop a bit of pressure of study. In fact, from the United States and China's education, the average American almost parallel to night. That year in our Chinese students learn 4 grade content, age children in the United States still learning grade 2. This phenomenon in our country's high-speed economic development is a certain reason. But our high education has killed children, it is the gift of lentil. Actually, the gap to the university this year is leveled.

2 the mathematics education really good home

Mathematics is the science, but can theory according to the mold production personnel, so we Chinese mathematics is very severe. Canada's mathematics education, basic self-taught, therefore the domestic and overseas is difficult math book in the market to compete. In addition, the education to cultivate science talent mathematical olympiad for help, but there is only to have the interest of the people, because after all is difficult maths.

3 we overlooked education flexibility

Our education mode to cultivate science talent, but flexible arts talent but often due to kill and education in the machinery of education is abnormal. Abroad, flexible, sports, music, painting, at least one instrument can claim. So you see the innovation ability of the person is very strong, is so. Renaissance is not pay attention to these content? So this is a tradition in America. However, these in China expelled, fundamental less ignore majors. Only those who can really top schools to teach these lessons.

4 China education is not average.

Although the elite education is a must, centralized power is our key breakthroughs. But at least we lack of education the average standard of measure.

Home from school to school, and municipal, provincial and between the difference is too big, too, where some do well, some places at sixes and sevens. In America every school is the basic contents and forms of the same, whether in remote areas or affluent areas. But additional content have characteristics in China. There is nothing but the basic contents and forms.

5 university education should be wide into severe

Frontal some sentence translation can be difficult to keep original skip goes well point decline in machine translation


Module 1.People and Places

1.为某人买某物buy sb sth=buy sth for sb

2. 等待 wait for

3.在学校旅行 (be) on a school trip

4.长城 the Great Wall

5.与某人交谈talk to sb

6.玩的很开心have a good/great time

7.吃冰淇淋 eat an ice cream

8.拍照 take photos=take pictures

9.躺在阳光下 lie in the sun

10.吃午餐 eat lunch=have lunch

11.给某人某物send sb sth = send sth to sb

12.非常享受enjoy ….a lot =enjoy …very much

13.此刻 at the/this moment

14.做不同的事情do different things

15.喝下午茶have afternoon tea

16喝一杯have a drink

17.去剧院 go to the opera

18.看芭蕾舞表演 watch a ballet

19看电视watch television

20.玩电脑游戏 play computer games

21穿衣服 get dressed

22.打电话回家 call home

23.拜访朋友 see friends=visit friends

24.谢谢某人做某事thank sb for sth/doing….

25.在。。。之前in front of /in the front of

26.写信给。。。write …to …

27再见 see you soon = see you later

28享受(喜欢)做某事enjoy doing sth

29 沿。。。走 walk up

Module 2 Spring Festival

1.打扫房间 clean the house

2.煮饭 cool the meal

3. 学舞龙 learn a dragon dance

4.做灯笼 make lanterns =make a lantern

5.扫地 sweep the floor

6.为。。。做准备get ready for

7.春节 Spring Festival

8.在工作 at work

9扫去、除去 sweep away

10 坏运气 bad luck

11.好运气 good luck

12.把…漆成红色paint…. .red/white

13.用…装饰decorate ….with

14.理发 have a haircut

15.给某人某物 give sb sth

16.穿上 put on

17.吃晚饭 have dinner

18.一种 a kind of

19.在午夜 at midnight

20.结束做某事 finish doing sth

21.一年到头 all the year round =all year

22.在除夕夜 on Spring Festival’Eve

23.在春节 at Spring Festival

Module 3 Plans

1.起床早 get up early

2.在周末 at the weekend

3.复习考试 revise for the test

4.查看邮件check one’s email

5.做作业 do one’s homework

6.参加聚会go to a party

7.听音乐 listen to music

8.待在床上 stay in bed

9.打乒乓球 play table tennis

10.进行野餐have a picnic

11.买衣服 buy/shop for clothes

12.上钢琴课 have a piano lesson

13.登上长城 walk up the Great Wall

14.期待做… look forward to doing

15.游览 do some sightseeing

16.参观故宫 visit the Forbidden City

17.坐飞机去 go by plane/ take a plane to

18.中国文化Chinese culture

19.交朋友 make friends (with)

20.享受太阳和大海的乐趣 enjoy the sun and the sea

21.端午节 the Dragon Boat Festival

22.躺在沙滩上 lie on the beach

23.待在旅馆里 stay in a hotel

24.在周六早on Sunday morning, on the morning of

25.到达 get to, arrive in/at

26.出去 go out

27.去骑自行车 go cycling

28.环游世界travel around the world

Module 4 Life in the future

1. 在将来 in the future

2. 未来生活life in the future, future life

3. 有线电视cable TV

4. 卫星电视satellite TV

5. 移动电话 cell phone

6. 没有人(用) no one (uses)

7. 用电子邮件交作业 send homework by email

8. 我不确信 I’m not sure.

9. 在家学习 study at home

10. 通过电脑与老师交谈talk to teachers on computers

11. 用粉笔写黑板 write on the blackboard with chalk

12. 常年 all year

13. 变暖/冷get warm/cold

14. 在北极at the North Pole

15. 大风和大雨heavy rain and strong winds

16. 用太阳能供暖use the sun to heat homes

17. 在因特网上 on the Internet

18. 做无聊的工作do dull jobs

19. 在世界上 in the world

20. 每周三天 three days a week

21. 我梦想中的学校 my dream school

22. 用…做use…to do

23. 将有坏天气There will be bad weather.

24. 将没有老师.There won’t be teachers.

25.使用某物做某事 use sth. to do sth.

27.通过电子邮件: by email

28.暴雨 heavy rain

29.强风 strong winds

30.长假 long holidays

31.许多空闲时间lots of free time

32. 大large ---小 small 33. 贵expensive—便宜cheap

34. 舒适comfortable ---不舒适 uncomfortable

35. 简单easy ----困难 difficult

36. 好的good ---坏的 bad 37. 有趣的interesting ---无趣的boring

38. 轻的light---重的heavy

39. 新的new ---旧的old 40. 热的hot ---冷的cold 41. 暖的warm ---凉爽的cool

42. 长的long ----短的short矮的 43. 强壮的strong ---弱的weak

Module 5 My hometown and country

1.比…大的多much bigger than

2.华南地区 South China

3.在….东/南部in the east/south of

4. 500米长/宽500 metres long/wide

5.回答问题answer questions

6.…有多少人口? What’s the population of…?

7.上海有…人口. Shanghai has a population of...

8.….的人口 the population of … /has…people

9.一座古城 an old city 10. 700年的历史seven hundred years old

11.在…东/南/西/北in the east/south/west/north of

12.来自 be/come from

13.在康河畔on the River Cam

14.以…闻名be famous for

15.…的首都 the capital of…

16.一个有…人口的城市a city with a population of

17.矮/高山low/high mountains

18.带有 7百万人口with 7 million people

19.高楼tall buildings

20.在沿海 on the coast

21.英国的一个地区a region of the UK

22. 1000米高1000 metres high

23. 336公里长336 kilometres long

Module 6 The Olympic adventure

1.擅长做某事 be good at doing/ do well in

2.比…危险more dangerous than

3.你最喜欢什奥运项目? What’s your favourite.?

4.迎奥运,学英语 English for the Olympic Games

5.来自中国的学生students from China

6.居委会 neighbourhood committee

7.去…前往leave for

8.到达get to, arrive at/in, reach

9.到家 get/arrive home

10.对某人来说做某事难. It’s difficult for sb to do...

11.上英语课have an English class

12.上学迟到be/arrive late for school

13.其他学生other students

其他所有学生the other students

14.在…前面in front of—behind

15.说的响亮/轻speak loudly/ quietly

16.听的清楚hear clearly

17.安静的听listen quietly

18.学的快/好/差/马虎learn quickly/well/badly/carelessly

19.多于,超过more than—over

20.需要做…need to do

21.想要做want to do

22.快速学英语learn English quickly

23.奥运游客the Olympic visitors/ visitors to the…


25.流行的课popular lessons

26.仔细检查check ….carefully

27.盒式录音机cassette player

28.直到…才 not…until 29.喜欢…和…/ like …and…,

不喜欢…和…don’t like…or…

Revision Module A

1.在圣诞节 on Christmas Day

2.坐在桌旁 sit at the table

3.讲故事 tell a story

4.思考think about

5.理发have a haircut

6.为节日准备get ready for festival

7.在街上 in the street

8.一只袜子的形状in the shape of

9.添满 fill with

10.在11月底 at the end of November

12.得到小玩具 get small toys

13.被称为be called

14.一个非常特别的庆祝活动 a very special celebration

15.装饰 make decorations

16.穿新衣 put on new clothes

17.扫地 sweep the floor

18.打扫房间 clean the house

19.烧饭cook a meal /do some cooking

20.吃大餐 have a big meal

Module 7 Planes, boats and trains

1.最长的旅程 the longest journey

2.乘公共汽车去…go to… by bus/ take a bus to

3.走路去…walk to …/go to on foot

4.住得离…远 live far from

5.离学校近 be close to

6.这是上学的最佳途径.the best way to school

7.旅行的最…的方式 the …way to travel

8.在世界上 in the world

9.最快的火车 the fastest train

10.从…到 from … to …

11.在八分钟内 in eight minutes

12.花费大约半小时 take about half an hour

13.旅行的最佳方式 the best way to travel

14.开的最远 travel the farthest

15.距离 a distance of


more than 32million passengers

17.火车费 train fare

18.数百万 millions of

Module 8 My past life

1.在中国 in China

2.启蒙学校 the first school

3.在小城镇 in a small town

4.在湖南省 in Hunan Province

5.村庄的名字 the name of the village

6.小学 the primary school

7.严格但很友好 be strict but friendly

8.对某人友好 be friendly to

9.对…严格 be strict with sb in sth

10.循规蹈矩的 be well-behaved

11.淘气的 be naughty

12.中国科学家 Chinese scientist


the professor of Cambridge University

14.他什么性格?What is/was he like?

他们什么性格?What are/were they like?

你什么性格?What are/were you like?

15在美国东海岸 on the east coast of the USA

16.许多事情要做 have lots of things to do

17.做某事很高兴It’s great to do sth

在那里玩很高兴.It’s great to play there.

18.两个美国总统 two presidents of the USA


posters of my favorite movie stars

20.有鱼的池塘 a pond with fish in it

21.有七百万人口的城市 a city of 7million people

22.有一台电视的大起居室a big living with a TV


a big garden with many trees

24.最后一次 the last time

25.回来 go back


What was/is your house like?

Module 9 Story time

1. 从前once upon a time/long ,long, ago

2. 去乘(骑……)go for a ride

3. 捡起pick up

4. 向四周看look around

5. 变成change into

6. 赶快hurry up

7. 敲…knock at/on

8. 往…里看look into

9. 跳离…jump out of

10. 指向point at

11. 睡着be asleep

12. 再三.反复…again and again

13. 开始at first = at the beginning

14. 以…开始begin …with

15. 决定做某事decide to do sth.

16匆忙赶往某地--- hurry to ---

17. 冲出----- rush out of---

Module 10 Life history

1. 用英语in English

2. 在…岁时at the age of

3. 度假.在假期on holiday

4. 走开,离开go away

5. 来到中国come to China

6. 开始上学start school

7. 骑单车上学ride a bike to school

8.听收音机listen to the radio

9. 看**watch movies

10. 在沙滩上on the beach

11. 下象棋play chess

12. 决定做...decide to do

13. 毕业finish school

14. 有孩子have children

15. 搬到...move to

16. 开始做...start doing

Module 11 National heroes

1. 认为think of

2. 昨夜last night

4. 从事work on

5. 从… 到…from…to…

6. (做某事)非常难It’s very difficult to do

7. 穿过go through

8. 越过go over

9. 几天前a few days ago

10. 返回return to

11. 被叫做be called

12. 38岁的38-year-old

13. 第二天the next day

14.11年后11 years later

15. 想成为want to be

16. 地面上on Earth

17. 通过电视on TV

18. 挥手(致意)wave to

19. 国旗the Chinese national flag

Module 12 A holiday journey

1. 在度假on holiday

2. 玩得开心have a great/good time

3. 在同一天on the same day

4. 第二天the next day

5. 问好say hello to.

6. 买东西,购物do some shopping.

7. 和。。。一起玩play with

8. 去散步go for a walk

9.(人)花费时间/金钱做--- spend --- on sth / spend --- (in ) doing sth

10在机场:at the airport

11.去游泳;go swimming

12.听音乐会listen to a concert

关于**的类型:documentary (film) 记录片,文献片、literary film 文艺片、musicals 音乐片、comedy 喜剧片、dracula movie 恐怖片

documentary (film) 记录片,文献片:纪录片是以真实生活为创作素材,以真人真事为表现对象,并对其进行艺术的加工与展现的,以展现真实为本质,并用真实引发人们思考的**或电视艺术形式。

literary film 文艺片:文学艺术影片的简称。文学性和艺术性并存,区别于商业**。

musicals 音乐片:音乐片是类型片的一种,指以音乐生活为题材或音乐在其中占有很大比重的影片。

comedy 喜剧片:喜剧片指以笑激发观众爱憎的影片。

dracula movie 恐怖片:“恐怖片”是以制造恐怖为目的的一种影片。


演职人员名称:assistant cameraman 摄影助理、property manager/propsman 道具员、art director 布景师、stagehand 化装师、lighting engineer 灯光师、film cutter 剪辑师、sound engineer/recording director 录音师、scenario writer, scenarist 剧作家、direction 导演、distributor 发行人

